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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumMy name is Rae Hart. You can know me like Phoenix or at least that's what I've been called since I started my acting career. I've been born on a sunny day of 22nd of June in Colorado, in 1949. It might seem like a quite long time ago, however, if you take a closer look at my photos or videos, you will see that I definitely look great, considering my age. What's more important than that is my attitude - I feel horny and naughty all the time. With my age, also came the experience and you know as people say - with the time woman is just getting better like a bottle of a good wine. In year 1966, when I was , was the first time I had sex. Later on, at the age of 20, I've started a drama school and to that moment, acting and sex became my greatest passions. I have always dreamed about an acting career, however, the life was spinning quite fast and all my hopes of becoming an actress didn't really work out. But that was a long time ago, and now when I'm a hot mature woman I can finally fulfill all of my
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