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Girls look much more desirable when they have "virginal folding" in their underpants. Sadly as undergarments have changed over time, This effect today can only be achieved by wearing one size bigger than they normally would wear. Thankfully you can convince your girl or any girl of creating this visual "effect" by ensuring her that satin underpants worn one size bigger than she normally wears guards against a litany of ailments, it is true yes even cancer, and likewise increases her fertility. Any girl in white satin brief panties is best though, after that satin bikinis, satin hi cuts and then satin hipsters. The profile picture is taken from the film "Graduation Day" where the girl pictured is in her undies twice for a total of 2 minutes. The cover picture is from a model wearing Katie and Laura Fancy Panties which are specifically made to resememble and be akin to the Victoria second skin satin line discontinued sadly in 2006. The model pictured is wearing one size bigger than normally worn.
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