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let that pussy fart while you cum 🤤
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        8 months ago i made a post talking about how my best friend leaves her dirty laundry at my house when we have sleepovers. i kept 2 of her g strings and i still have them to this day lolll. my favourite one is pink. the reason they're my favourite is because one time when she was at my house, she thought i was napping and she was wearing a short skirt that barely covered her fat ass. she was standing in front of me with her back facing towards me, and she leaned slightly forward, spread her legs and slightly lifted on leg up and for a moment, i saw the little pink g string stuck in her ass 😍 she reached her hand up her skirt and went to the top of her ass crack and pulled her panties out of her ass and oh myyy, my pussy JUMPED at the sight of it 😩 one day i was going thru her laundry to prepare them to be washed and i found that same pink g string. i smelt them and they stunk so good 🥵 i went to my room with them and locked my door and put them on and cummed in them several times 💦 every time im horny, i put them on and think about how this g string was stuck deep in her ass and pussy 🤤 i always pull them into my pussy when i wear them, giving myself a wedgie like the one she had 🤭 i like to spread my pussy lips as much as possible so that the panties are directly on my clit. i like to make sure they're slimy first! after my clit is right up against that slimy g string, i like to hump my pillow and feel my clit slipping and sliding on her cum filled panties 😫 i always nut through them every time i cum in them 🤭 one day, when she leaves another pair here, i'll give her the pink ones back and steal a new dirty pair ❤️ i want her to wear the panties i've been cumming for months. i want her ass and pussy to eat that g string up, the same g string i've been cumming through for so long 🤤
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        it's 5am here in nz and i've been edging my clit since 7pm 😩 i'm laying in a puddle of pussy juice humping my mattress, one leg on the ground, one spread out up on the bed 😍 my ass cheeks are spread wide open. i can feel my slimy cum spreading to my hairy asshole. i love the way it feels when i hump my mattress and twerk my ass, rubbing all the creamy wet cum in between my slutty crack 😩
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        Aww yumm 🤤🤤
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        I just want to go to a public bathroom and watch a stranger walk out the stall. Then I’m going into that same stall. As I pull down my pants then panties a thick sticky pussy string dangles from my nasty pussy. Then I’m gonna straddle the toilet with my back facing the stall and put my bare pussy on the toilet seat. Mmmmm just knowing a stranger had her ass on the same seat and I’m rubbing my nasty pussy on the same spot. Before I even do that, I wanna lick the toilet seat and taste the stranger’s nasty pussy and ass!!
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        this is for sure one of my fantasies 😍
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          My First (and Only) MILF Experience (Lesbian)

          I ate my ex's aunt's pussy. I was 19. She was 47, but she had tits that were bigger than my own. I'm a D cup, and she must have been a triple D. She was slender, like me, had a nice ass. Blonde, with a bob cut, and she was divorced. I think she wanted to try some pussy.
          I used to catch her staring at me, when I would visit for family gatherings. She would always comment on my "flawless brown skin", (my boyfriend was blonde and blue eyed) and her eyes would move to my tits, and one time I saw her swallow hard.😂
          I never did anything while I was with her nephew. But after we broke up - he left the country, his family would keep in touch and invite me over.
          One summer they had a family BBQ, and invited me, and the aunt was there. She came up and have me hug that was a little too "huggy". I hadn't had sex for a month or so, and I was in a state of intense horniness. I had planned to fuck her, but I had to figure out how to approach her.
          I got my chance in the kitchen. She was cutting up fruit for a salad, and I walked up behind her, and hugged her from the back. I sucked her earlobe and whispered in her ear, "I need to eat yout pussy. I've been thinking about it, ever since I caught you staring at my tits. Will you let me suck your clit?"
          She was breathing hard, and I suggested we head down the basement. There was a bathroom down there. I grabbed her hand and led her down the basement. Everyone else was outside, and I knew I could make her come fast enough so she could get back to the fruit salad, after I tossed her salad 😛
          When we got to the bathroom, I closed and locked the door. She looked a little scared, like she had no idea what to do. I wanted to lick and finger her soooo bad. She was so sexy, but I didn't want to scare her. I love to kiss, so I kissed her, with lots of tongue, while I squeezed her tits. She broke our kiss to catch her breath. At this point, I was beyond horny, and I needed to cum.
          I unbuttoned her shirt and didn't bother taking off her bra, she was kissing my neck, and just pulled one of her massive tits out of her bra, and covered her nipple with my mouth, licking and sucking.Then I turned her around, so her back was to me. I unzipped her shorts, and immediately stuck my hand in her panties. She cried out, and covered my hand with hers, while I gave her pussy a full hand massage. I didn't let her come. I wanted to her to come from me eating her. I pulled off her shorts and mine.
          I had her lift her leg across the sink cabinet, her ass was facing me. I got down on my knees, and I could see her clit hanging down. I started licking her pussy and her ass, while I was rubbing my wet pussy to get enough natural lubrication to stick a finger in her ass. She reached behind to spread her ass open, and I lifted up my t-shirt and took off my bra, stood up, and then I took off her shirt and bra, and I pressed my tits against her back. I rubbed her slit and asshole with my cream, and shoved two fingers in her ass, while rubbing her clit from the front. I kept whispering nasty things in her ear, and she came in about 2 minutes. "Cum for me" did it.
          I still needed to come. The best way for me to come? Hump pussy or ass, or a big dick . Never fails. I cum the hardest. So I had her lie on the floor, and spread her legs. I got on top of her, my legs outside her legs. I told her, "Open your pussy", and I opened my own lips and started gently rubbing my clit on hers. She started squeezing my ass, and telling me how good I felt. Her pussy was unshaved, and an unshaved pussy feels incredible when tribbing. I increased the pressure, and pressed my body into hers, humping her pussy until I came, which was two minutes later. We kissed, and I buried my face in her neck, and continued to ride her pussy, because I got aroused again. Right before I came, I stopped humping her, and lowered my pussy on her mouth. She lapped me, like a dog in heat. I rocked back and forth on her mouth, until I came again.
          We got up, got dressed quickly, and went back upstairs. We almost got caught coming up from the basement. I left - went home to shower.
          I saw her again a few more times, and we never spoke about what happened. I've never been with an experienced older woman.
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          Would You Let Me? 😋🤤👅👅🖕

          https://www-pornhub.mrst.one/view_video.php?viewkey=ph615dbf7e4359d My love, would you let me eat you just like this...with my index and middle fingers deep in your pussy, my thumb massaging your swollen clit, before I hump you? I thought of you, when I watched this video. It'll make our tribbing so much better, because your pussy will be nice and wet, and your clit extra sensitive from me licking and sucking it. Right before you cum, we'll switch positions - you on your stomach, and I'll lie on your back, my swollen lips and clit will fit right into your crack, and I'll start to ride you, gently at first, while you hump the mattress. Your ass feels so good. Will you let me spread your cheeks apart, so I can see how wet you 'll continue rocking back and forth, my juices dripping down your ass crack. I'll stop, just for a minute, just to massage my wetness on your hole, and tongue fuck your ass. I want you to cum on my mouth. Cum for me.
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          My Ass Obsession (Lesbian)

          I love to hump a woman's fat ass. I've been this way since I was a teenager. The first time I humped a girl's ass, I came so hard I almost fainted.
          I don't know what it is. I like my girl on her stomach, legs slightly apart, so I can finger her clit, and a pillow underneath for slight elevation.
          After kissing her ass cheeks, and licking her asshole (to start my pussy juices flowing), I mount her, taking my fingers and spreading my pussy lips, to expose my clit, and then I start humping her, my clit right in her crack, and sometimes on her ass cheek.😻
          I rub my tits, and as I feel my pussy getting wetter, and my clit getting harder, I start riding her ass, like a wild woman, and I slide my hand underneath her, and massage her clit. Sometimes my pussy is so wet, my juices drip down her ass crack. I start talking dirty, "Press your ass into my pussy. I wanna feel you on my clit."
          She starts moving her ass against my pussy, and I come so hard - I cry out.
          I fall off from exhaustion from coming so hard. Then I spread her ass cheeks and lick her hole, and her pussy until she comes for the second time. I'm so horny at this point, I can't control my tongue, my fingers. I just want pussy and ass.
          Can I hump you? Will you twerk on my pussy? 😍💦🖕(that's my middle finger up your ass)
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          i need a mommy 😩❤️

          lately i've been fantasising about sitting on a bitch face after a long day at school. when my cunt is musty and wet. i want a woman to let me fuck her tongue while she holds my ass cheeks open while i grind my asshole on her nose 😍 i want her to spit in my holes while i fuck her face and moan for her 😩 "ohhhh fuck yes mommy, spit in that fucking cunt. let this dirty pussy glide on your face mommy. moan while you eating that shit." i wanna fuck that face and play with those titties while i'm fucking you mommy. i'll be good and ride your face for hours 🤤
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          Yes bby give me that musty cunt and asshole
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          À propos de

          horny Samoan girl who loves masturbating 😩 i love watching horny girls pleasure themselves, especially brown/dark skin women 😍 i loveeee big girls, the more meat, the better! this pussy don't discriminate though, i love women in general! as long as the pussy fat 😜

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