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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumI'm a submissive girlfag from Germany and I love bi-guys. Especially if they're seductive maledoms ;-) _What is a girlfag? "girlfag A woman who is very attracted to gay/bi/trans men. She may (or may not) also feel she is (fully or partly) a "gay man in a woman's body". Girlfags identify primarily as queer, and are often attracted to more types of people than just gay/bi/trans men." Source: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=girlfag __ For me there is nothing more masculine, than two guys loving and having sex with each other. I'm submissive, so I won't degrade you for being bi, but I'm eager to lick your boots for loving the same sex :) Leatherguys, Punks, Skinheads, Goths getting me extra wet but it isn't a "must-have" for me.
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