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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumI'm a very feminine person, some people say I'm real funny with a great since of hummer, I'm originally from London England where I was born and raised, and yes, I still speak with a mild British accent, I came here to the USA and to Oklahoma to attend the University of Oklahoma music department to study playing the pipe organ, I'm now a professional Organist part time, I graduated with a degree in organ performance from the University of Oklahoma in 2002, I'm currently the head Organist at a Church in Oklahoma City, prior to that I was an associate Organist for about at another Church in Oklahoma City, shortly after I graduated I knew I needed to find a second job to make extra income since an Organist job doesn't pay much, a Church member suggested I pursue a career in residential real estate, therefore, I now work two jobs, aside from playing organ at Church I also work full time as a residential real estate agent working around Oklahoma City and the surrounding areas for the past 20 years now.
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