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United Kingdom
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a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "The Prince"
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a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "The Duke"
  • 0
a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "The Squire"
  • 0
a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "5 year old account"
  • 0
a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "4 year old account"
  • 0
a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "3 year old account"
  • 1
Ce message est épinglé
a publié un message
Hello everyone who's still around. I know I haven't posted a video in quite a while, and while I have explained to those who have asked, I figured with the recent exodus and purge it's a good time to. Recently, I've been hitting a bit of a block in terms of creativity. I have some videos in WIP stages, but finding the motivation to work on them has been a struggle. The recent changes to Pornhub haven't done anything to help that, and have left me severely discouraged and weary.

However, I have managed to throw complete copies of the existing compilations up on spankbang:  https://spankbang.com/profile/sinnshaft/videos  I don't know if I'm actually allowed to name drop rival sites, but fuck it. They haven't been considerate of my or anyone else's feelings, I don't see why I should extend the courtesy any more.

I'd like to thank everyone who's ever watched one of my videos, and all the positive responses and PMs I've had over the last year and a half. You've been an amazing community, and I doubt after this I'll ever find one quite so considerate and widespread. I wish you all the best, and look forward to the day I get back into the swing of things and can pump out a new compilation for you. Although only time will reveal whether it ends up being here.

Goodbye for now, and have a very merry Christmas.  ~Sinnshaft
  • 22
il y a 4 ans
Hey dude, you do you; inspiration come and go everyone know that.We love you for what you did and not what you did not. Thus we will always love you
  • 6
Ce message est épinglé
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Happy Valentine's day everyone.  To celebrate, I have a triple bill of pregnancy pmvs on the way starting with the theme of 'romance', with 'impregnation' and 'fulfillment' to follow.   Hopefully there's something there for everyone.

So gentlemen, it's time to treat your loved one for all that she's worth. Romance, fine dining, flowers.  Pamper her like a queen, worship her as your true goddess and just make her feel like she's your world.  And ladies...

...when he tries to use a condom, you know what to do. ~Sinnshaft ❤️                            
  • 25
il y a 4 ans
Not in any official way. I'll probably look into putting them up on another site when I have time to upload at the weekend, and throw up a proper post here (if pornhub will even let me - I've not tried).
  • 3
il y a 4 ans
Is your content anywhere else? Love your videos.
  • 1
il y a 4 ans
Okay, this isn't just a me thing. It looks like pornhub's going though a bit of a shitstorm right now. I can't say whether they'll put everything back eventually or they've just gone on a "verified only" rampage with the delete button, but I'm going to wait it out for now and see how the pieces land..
  • 3
il y a 4 ans
Just logged in and yes it does seem they're all gone. Will look into it.
  • 1
il y a 4 ans
have your videos been purged ?
  • 1
il y a 4 ans
I've never been sold on the idea. Perhaps if I found a good song and I didn't focus on fetishising the racial aspect, I could maybe get on board. But I've always found the woman the most arousing part of the videos, not the skin colour of the man.
  • 1
il y a 4 ans
Great stuff - how about an interracial pregnancy compilation. White teens on bbc then preggo clips etc ? What do you think
  • 0
il y a 4 ans
I'm not anti per-se, others can like what they like. I just just find the idea of someone cheating on me a turn off.
  • 1
il y a 4 ans
Hey man not a big fan of having dude friends on here however I saw anti cuck and beta on your profile somewhere I knowd I had to send ya a request anyhow
  • 0
il y a 5 ans
Your work in the kink niche in inspirational
  • 2
il y a 5 ans
Thank you Mate ✌
  • 0
a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "Miss/Mister Popularity"
  • 1
a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "The Mugshot"
  • 1
il y a 4 ans
Great stuff - how about an interracial pregnancy compilation. White teens on bbc then preggo clips etc ? What do you think?
  • 0
a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "Launching your Brand"
  • 0
a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "The Virgin"
  • 1
il y a 4 ans
There's a good possibility I might, eventually. A large amount of pregnancy content is just masterbation, so there's no shortage of clips for one. If I had a good idea for one plus a fitting song, I could see myself starting a WIP one.
  • 2
il y a 4 ans
Love your videos. Any chance of doing a pregnant Masturbation PMV?
  • 0
À propos de

Just a single guy looking to find a mate for life... and keep making that special lady a mommy.

Dernière connexion:
il y a 3 ans
Situation amoureuse:
"United Kingdom"
Intérêts et passe-temps:
Games, Guitar, Writing
Films et émissions télévisées favoris:
Reservior dogs, Ghostbusters, (non-recent) Star Trek
Musique favorite:
It runs the gamut. I like what sounds good to me, and it rarely sticks to any one genre.
Livres favoris:
1984, Brave New World
Ce que j'aime:
Pregnacy, Impregnation, , MILFs
Ce que je déteste:
Anything that makes me a cuck or beta
Affichages de profil:
71 999
Vidéos vues:
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