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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumHi, I’m looking for a strict older master who likes training sissy’s. I’m willing to relocate for the correct daddy. im looking for permanent chastity and denial and to be fully feminised by him. I also make sissy videos from time to time. The videos mainly revolve around white males with small penises (clittys) and the effects this has on a human life. Some go on and don’t care, but most develop deep anxiety due to social pressure and feel they have no Way out. The only other choice where they can get sexual gratification/ attention is to become a sissy. So the videos kind of touch on the physiological level about how these “males” become so desperate because they can’t have sex with women that they develop this porn addiction which leads to them dressing up as women and locking their clitties in chastity to prolong the feeling of being horny and avoid the dreaded purge. The Purge, is when a sissy cums very hard and immediately suffers deep regret and shame at what they have just done.
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