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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumI'm a sapiosexual, I am invisible... oh you might catch a glimpse of me out of the corner of your eye for just a second but if you do try to see me you treat me like a piece of or some kind of horrendous monster (which is a shame for you because I'm really a nice person) for this reason I do not like a lot of people and I tent to be a very private person. My armor is always but If you can actually manage to pear inside you will see that I am quite funny, I'm not crazy... I'm eccentric, I just don't have the billions of dollars yet or rule the world. I'm kind generous and loyal to my friends. I love to cook. going out to restaurants absolutely sucks when you are single you are looked upon as some kind of leper and good food is like great sex, you have to eat for the rest of your life you might as well learn how. Another reason why I am here. Life is a learning lesson, and also the odd time to watch crazy fucked up that you will never get to do. If there is anything else message me.
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