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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumWell its pornhub so does anyone really care? I wanted to indulge my sexuality and make home movies and direct at one point. I have a huge smoking and balloon fetish and wanted someone in my life that would help me live out my fantasies. I also wanted to get into the scene not even as an actor but director and begin my own production company. Problem was? No funding and definitely no one interested in getting filmed. And then I got married...to a frigid, frigid woman who used to play nice but those days are long gone. Now I'm older, no money, getting a beer gut lol, and wishing I would've followed different dreams. So here I am on Pornhub, living vicariously through the verified models and the couples that love to share, and the people that did end up making it work. Meanwhile I've become the horny old man with a hard on, hiding from his wife. Bahahaha! Keep on fucking, smoke em if you got em, and cheers!
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