When you haven't fucked in a while and you just let loose on a thick gymnast who loves it rough
So me and this girl have been friends for a long time but I never really made that first step (because im kind of the most socially awkward human on earth and can't think of witty when im not on the Internet) we were flirting a bit and I was trying to not just zone out while she was grabbing me on the couch saying something along the lines of "hey so why don't we watch something or listen to some tunes" so I put on some music that was hopefully not garbage and she started getting closer and grabbing things besides my arm or chest and started kind of working her way in my shirt. After some joking around she starts braging about how flexible she is from dance and gymnastics and I just kind of said it seems a little "non aplicable though being able to bend you leg over your head like that" so she gets more agressive with me on the couch and we eventually start making out really hard and im rubbing her over her leggings. We headed to the bedroom shortly after and were basically taking each others clothes off before we were laying down. I kept rubbing until she was swollen then moved the remainder of my briefs off my body and started by lightly pulling her hair as I kissed her and thrusted. After a bit of that I started grabbing around her shoulders and neck area just to see if she was par, she grabbed my hand and grasped herself even firmer with it literally almost screaming "Yes please harder, harder" then we picked up the pace and I thought back to her showing off her whole leg over the head thing, so I took my free hand and grabbed her thick ass and thighs and wispered "what? think your still flexible right now bitch" and she basically looked at me and without missing a beat grabbed the leg I was clutching and still got it I swear to where it was before. She was soooo fucking hot like that, one hand still grabbing my hand on her throat and pulling me closer but now she was all strained with my hand being the gas pedal for how deep my cock was going. I felt her leg shake a bit and we were still going hard, if anything now my hips were crashing into her leg while I was getting deeper till I just slammed her about 5 or 6 good times while cumming but she didn't pull me off after when we were back to just kissing and enjoying the warm we were both now just gushing in, instead she starts moving her hips and eventually we go for another couple minutes with my again hard cock until we settled. After we clothed each other and she hugged me from the back saying "I never took you for the pin me down and fuck me good type" I just said "I see some useful ways to use your legs like that now I guess" we laughed for a bit while considering a smoke break before we both realized her ride was already here and knocked at the door... still one of the hottest times I think I've ever hooked up while single.