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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumI'm an old, pot-bellied independent writer of fantasy, sci-fi, and romance. I won't mention my books here because I hate sales & marketing and to be frank (Hi Frank), that's not why I'm here. In my younger years, I was rather handsome and quite the Casanova; I can say that now without bragging because that ship has sailed. I've had many friends & ties in the adult entertainment community since before the internet was born. At one point I even ran my own BBS (Bulletin Board System) in Asia (which is where my username comes from). I no longer physically couple, so if you're looking to tempt someone into sex and scam them, it won't work on me. P.S. I do not accept Friend Requests from people who do not watch or create videos. If you don't do either, your purpose for being here is suspect. Of course, anyone who fits into this category probably doesn't read this stuff (so I just wasted another minute of my life)
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