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Does anybody post videos on any other site if yea pls message me I got a video for you
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The time I got to lick my GODMOTHER feet

So when I was between the age of 4-8 I would spend lots of time with my godmother. She knew about my fetish and wouldn’t mind when I would go for her feet. She didn’t care that I would smell her feet or touch them. She was a divorce women and had no and lived an a big house all by herself. I’m guessing she would just enjoy my company. We would play all types of games that would of course involve me getting her feet. Like when we played school I would smell her and tickle them for better grades and when we played bank robbers I would pretend to tie her up and I would tickle her feet for the safe code. We would sometimes wrestle and I would tickle her feet. She would always be barefoot for any game we played cause she knew I liked it like that. And if she had socks I would always take them off. Sometimes when she would watch tv she would ask me to be her foot stool and at times would put her feet on my face. Sometimes even hours would go by but I didn’t notice cause I was having fun.Also She was really into fitness she took really good care of her body and would go on runs and exercise on the the regular. After her workouts I would take her shoes and socks off I would always smell her shoes as I took them off. I then would massage and smell her feet. I was always respectful towards my godmother anything she asked me to do I would do it. I never gave her an attitude or questioned her commands. The only time when I couldn’t get her feet was when she had friends over. One day I was going over and I noticed there were other cars in her driveway so I knew that I would have to wait to get her feet. I knocked on the door she opened gave me a hug and a kiss on both cheeks and said I would have to hangout upstairs for awhile. But first I had to say hi to her guest she would always make me introduce myself. After that I went upstairs to a room she had setup for me.After awhile of waiting for her friends to leave I had an idea to go and smell her running shoes sometimes the socks would still be in there. She had multiple pairs and they were all together after awhile of sniffing I decided I wanted to smell all her shoes and right next to her running shoes was her closet that was only full of shoes which had her sandals,boots and sneakers it was a walk-in closet so I got in there I started playing a game to find the stinkiest shoes in here the problem was she didn’t really have stinky feet not even after her workouts they had no smell so I knew it would be a challenge. After awhile of sniffing the lights in the closet flickered on and off and it was her standing right there. She said were you smelling my stinky shoes again I said yes she didn’t like me smelling her shoes unless it was the ones I was taking off her. She said put everything back the way it was and come here she grabbed me by my ear and took me to the room I had in her place and told me to put on work out clothes. I didn’t like working out with her cause she would go hard and they were always long. But I changed fast so I wouldn’t get in trouble. She told me I hope you ready to run cause we are going far today I would specially hate the runs cause she would not joke around we would really go far. After coming back I was so tired that I didn’t even feel like going for her feet I just sat there. She then sat next to me and said aren’t you gonna take my shoes and socks off and all my energy came back. As I was taking her shoes off I noticed her socks were a bit wet so I decided to skip the shoe smelling she said you gonna smell my smelly shoes right since you like it so much by the look of her face I could tell she wasn’t asking she was telling me too. So I start sniffing them I even I had my nose really in there I was always loud when smelling her shoes, socks and feet. The shoes didn’t even smell bad even though they were all sweaty in the inside. After that I moved on to the socks she told me to not take them all the way off to leave them in the middle. She said you see that dirt I need you to clean it they weren’t dirty though but I wasn’t about to argue with her. So I started wiping her foot with my shirt and she not like that she me how much you really like your godmother feet lick them clean for me at this point I had never licked or sucked on toes. But since I always did what she asked and never questioned her I went for it. So I licked the heel all the way to some part of the sole that was showing her socks were still halfway on. She told me to go get a stool she had in her closet so I went running to go get it. She she put both feet on the stool and told me to continue licking I was really enjoying licking her feet it was something new to me I’m guessing she even liked it cause her eyes were closed as I was licking. After but 20-30 mins she said to take her socks completely off and said I could massage and smell her feet now. But I told her I wanted to keep licking she said fine but only one lick on each foot and don’t lick my toes so I licked from the heel to the top of her soles she then told me to wipe it off with my shirt and to massage her. My favorite part was smelling between her toes cause she would squeeze my nose with her toes. After awhile my mom called her and asked if I was headed home soon my godmother told her I could spend the night. During the whole phone I had my nose between her big toe and she squeezed it so I wouldn’t be as loud. After her massage and sniffing she told me to lay down this was the the part where both her feet were gonna be my face as she watched a movie or tv show. Sometimes I would wanna watch whatever she was watching but being under her feet was better. It was getting late and she told to go ahead and shower and get ready for bed. So I got up and she said let me kiss you goodnight she kissed me on my forehead and both cheeks and she put one foot up and I kissed the middle of her foot and big toe and I did the same with the other one. I guess she didn’t want me kissing her cheek after being all over her feet
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How I got my aunts feet

Well she was d***k and asleep. I was at a party at her house she celebrating her birthday. It was an adult party so I had no one to be with. So I just stayed in my cousin’s room playing PlayStation and watching tv. Since he was a lot older then me he wasn’t home he was probably out smoking. It was about 2am and she came in the room she could barely walk as she was d***k. I asked if she needed anything she said help me to the bed I just need to rest a little so I helped out. I was gonna leave the room but after seeing her lay down I noticed that her feet were on the side I was sitting at. I couldn’t help myself I knew I had to stay so I sat on the and her feet were on inches away for me bad thing was she had on heels. Plan was to wait for her to be in deep so I can take them off. But out of no where she nudges me with her feet to take her heels off and of course I couldn’t say no to that. As I was taking them I would slide my nose from her soles to toes. And if she had asked what was that I would have some I’m just takings some dust off. But she didn’t say a thing. Now both of her feet no heels on this time were only inches away. The whole time I just kept staring wondering if I should go for it. Cause what if she wakes up and sees me or if someone comes in I wouldn’t be able to hear anyone cause of the loud music. After 30 mins of just staring and taking a couple of sniffs and touching her feet to see if she was a light . I decided to go for it and I locked the door and if anyone came and asked why I locked it I’ll say she told me. At first I was giving small licks on her heels not doing to much at first but at this point I was taking big sniffs going up and down her soles and just planting my face in between them. I couldn’t help myself anymore so I took my first big lick from her toes to heel( she was laying on her stomach by the way) and then I did the other foot. I waited to see if there would be any reaction but nothing happened. So at this point I knew I was in the clear. I couldn’t really suck her toes cause of the way she was so only Kept to the soles. I really wanted to suck her big toe so whenever I saw her again with sandals I could tell myself damn I really sucked on her toes so I try to move them but then she moved so I got down quick hoping she didn’t notice anything like wondering why here feet were all wet. After a couple of minutes of being down I got up and she had put right on top of each side by side all she did was change her position. Now I could get her toes at first I lick in between her toes to see if I got any reaction. I got nothing so I went for her big toe I started going crazy with the licking and sucking. I even put my my tongue right between her feet pretending that she was holding my tongue in place.I started acting like she was me and my was to lick her feet clean. It went from a boring ass party to one of the best ever I couldn’t believe I was licking my aunts feet
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il y a 4 ans
Keep sharing!
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Another foot fetish story

This time I was about 10 or 11 my parents had gone out with some friends and their k**s got to stay at my house. There was 3 of them 2 boys and 1 girl the girl was the oldest. She was about 14 or 15 I remember her being kinda of tall, slim and she was a soccer player and she had some big feet. We were watching tv in my room just me and her and I remember thinking this my chance to get some feet. The entire time she was there I just couldn’t stop staring at her feet. I had to find a way to get her to take her socks off. She was laying on her stomach and moving her legs back and fourth. I started getting closer and closer and then she hit my face with her feet. She turned confused wondering why I was sitting so close to her feet. Since I was close I started sneaking some sniffs eventually I got really into that I put my nose on her toes and she pulled her feet away. She said what are doing so close to me if you wanna smell my feet just take my socks off so then I did but she was just kidding she was surprised that I actually took one sock off and starting sniffing. She said omg how do you like that smell it is nasty thing to do I told her that they smell good. I think cause I complaint her feet and smell she didn’t really seem to mind then. She said I could smell her feet only if I gave her I foot massage at the same time and of course I took that deal for like the next 2 hours I spent massaging and sniffing. I even got some licks too only on the soles though she did really like the whole toe sucking thing. While massaging I sucked on her big toe and she pulled out right away and gave a light slap with her feet on my cheek and said not to do that again. And I don’t wanna ruin what I had so I didn’t. Eventually we were both laying down head to toe and of course I kept massaging and sniffing. She eventually got and said I’m going to for a little but don’t stop massaging I’ll know if you do. Once I was sure she was dead asleep I got to like from heel to toe and like I said she has some big fee she was probably a size 10.5 or 11. At some she had to leave so they and woke her up and lay there pretending to be asleep. She got up starting looking for her socks and shoes but only found her shoes. I took her socks and stuff them in my pocket as a memory I told her if I find them I’ll give them to you and she said whatever if you do just have fun with them you little weirdo. Honestly it was one of my best experience with feet definitely top 5. Let me know if y’all want more stories definitely got some good ones
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Anybody got any good early foot fetish experience

I use have a cousin in here 20s when I was about 5 or 6 and she would let play with her feet. Every time she came home from work she would let me take her shoes and socks off and then I would smell her feet. Every time she was barefoot she would tease me with her feet always showing me her soles cause that’s what I was mainly into. The best part was when she would sit in her chair that she had in her room and I would lay down and she would put both feet on my face while she watched tv. She didn’t mind what I did as long as I was quite. If anybody got any good stories pls share and I got plenty more stories to tell
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FOOTLOVER Into feet smelling and foot worship not really into tickling or footjobs if that’s all you got don’t expect for me to add you

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