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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumI am a 45 year old male who recently woke up and accepted that I really love pre-op , transgirls/transwomen. I had a very private relationship with a beautiful transgirl when I was 20 and she was 25. I never forgot how wonderful she was to me mentally, emotionally and sexually. You can say she was my first love. After 3 failed marriages to genetically born women, I realized why they failed and it was because of my first love and the intimacy we shared. Coming to Porn Hub is my first legitimate step to 'Coming Out' and accepting my true self. A photo of real self is always available upon request. I use Viviany Aguleria both for cover photo and profile photo because she is truly my ultimate 'Dream Woman' !!! <3 I hope to meet my 'Transwoman Soul Mate'. Hopefully I get a little support here. I am very opened to meeting someone special here if it is the right person at the right time and we both feel some chemistry.WARNING THE WORD SHEMALE WILL NOT BE TOLERATED HERE. They are women, transgirl Hugs & Kisses Luv
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