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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumJust two fat, sweaty, stinky, hairy dudes madly in love with each other! Posting original vids and pics of my husband and I exploring our kinks, passions, and love of each other's sexy bear bodies. Anything we post is just play in the name of good smutty fun, and has our mutual, enthusiastic consent. I'm a typical 315-pound geeky pale cub. My gorgeous husband is a 390-pound Latino bear-god of sex with the most handsome face, wild-flowing black hair and bushy, salt-and-pepper beard. He's my dream guy, my best friend, and I love him so much. I think we're a ridiculously hot couple, but you guys can be the judge! Fair warning that most of our content won't have nudity, but we plan on posting plenty of kinky stuff, along with tamer belly/body pics and vids from every angle we can manage. Enjoy!
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