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Newcastle, United Kingdom
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A new business endevour??

Hey all

I've been on holiday. Woo hoo. Well it was kind of a holiday, went up to bonny Scotland to visit some friends in Edinburgh, spent some time having a few...o.k alot of drinks, partying, shopping (I love the Royal Mile and the surrounding streets), the normal kinda holiday stuff. Also visited a fantastic strip club, place called Burke and Hares. Wow the girls in there are so hot it's unreal. Got an amazing lap dance from one of the girls who had one of the most amazing sets of pussy lips I've ever seen. Shame I wasn't alowed to touch.

Anyway, one night we were having a drink in the Grassmarket, can't remember the name of the pub. Guy comes up to me, we start chatting, he buys me a drink, have a bit of a dance and it's all going well. After a while he asks me if I want to go back to his hotel room for a while. Being , horny and feeling a little slutty I agree. We get a bike taxi part of the way and while walking the rest he starts to ask about money, stuff like how he has £300 to spend and asking if that'll be enough. I'm sorta confused so I just nod and smile and think nothing of it. We get back to his travel lodge room and he says "Do you want paying now or when we're finished". Then the penny drops, he thinks I'm a prostitute. I kinda went from disbelieving to angry and back again within about 20 seconds. I stammered somthing like "Half now half later" before I could stop myself, I mean what was I saying???? Anyway we started kissing, I did a strip for him, took off his trousers and started sucking him. He was really gentle and slow, especially when we moved onto the fucking. After he came once and he'd had a rest he asked me if he could fuck my ass. Now I LOVE my ass being fucked but, again, I don't know what came over me and I asked for an extra £100. He agreed!!!! He fucked my ass and now he started to get more agressive, really pounding away. I sucked his cock clean after he came again and we went to next to each other.

In the morning he woke me up by licking my pussy before fucking me hard doggy style. He paid the rest of the money, I let him keep my thong as a keepsake and left to meet my friends, £350 richer.

Now I'm not saying this is something I'd take up full time but I've got to admit, being paid to fuck.....sounds like my idea of heaven.

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A self destructive thank you

Has anyone out there ever wanted to do something they knew was a really bad idea? I'm not talking about going out and getting when you've got work the next day. I'm not talking about buying that pair of drop dead shoes when you've already maxed out your credit card. I'm talking about going out and starting a fight. Going out and getting the beat out of you. That's exactly what I wanted to do the other day. Things are pretty tough for me at the moment and I was feeling very self destructive, something to make me feel.....I dunno......alive I guess.

At the time I was feeling like this I think 2 things saved me. Number 1, I had been grounded by my housemate for something I can't even remember doing now. When Claire grounds me she doesn't just forbid me from going out, she makes sure I can't. This time she handcuffed me to the stairs. I can say this, she's thorough.

The second thing was DfrntLovin. I was surfing the hub, becoming a little disheartened with the same old same old when we got talking and he reminded me about his story. For those who haven’t read it, I recommend it. I called Claire, explained a few things and read his story to her over the phone. The results can be seen in my new gallery.

And so, thank you DfrntLovin, and I hope these pictures will give you some idea of how thankful I am.

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Sorry it's been so long

Hey everyone

Sorry it's been so long since I've posted. Real life has kinda got ahead of me recently. Been working more than I really care to admit. Have found that going to work with a butt plug firmly in place works wonders towards making the day more exciting.

Got caught masturbating in the toilets the other day by my manager. She knows what I'm like outside of work so she wasn't supprised. she knocked on my cubicle door, I opened up, she came in then told me I'd have to eat her pussy or i'd be in alot of trouble. She sat down and I got between her legs to eat her pussy when she let go with her bladder full of pee. I wasn't expecting it so the first stream went all down my front, soaking my top but then she grabbed my head me to drink it down. Once she'd finished and I had a stomach full of piss I licked her pussy untill she came. Other people came in and out of the toilets so they must have heard what we were doing which just made he more excited.

i went back to my desk with a big smile on my face and stinking of piss. I spent the rest of the day with my pussy dripping wet desperate to be fucked. I rang my housemate Clare, let her know what I;d done. When I walked through the door she was waiting with her strap on. She made me beg for it, tell her I was a dirty toilet slut and plead for her to forgive me. She fucked my pussy and my ass untill I was sore then made me drink her piss to prive how sorry I was for doing it without her permision

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Happy new year to you all

Hey guys and girls

Got a little request for you all, I would love for you sexy guys out there to cum on some of my pics and photograph it for me. I've seen this on a few profiles and I would love to see it on some of my pics. Even better, or from the girls, I would love a vid of you wanking or fucking while looking at my pics or calling my name.

I'm sure I can work out something special for you if you manage to do this for me :-)

Just so you know, as I type this I've got the cum of 5 guys dripping out of my pussy and 2 guys dripping out of my ass, my stomach has 7 loads of cum in it and I've been told by Claire that I'm going to have a butt plug shoved in my ass as soon as I've finished typing this. Sweet dreams


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I've been bad and

Hi everyone.

I've been told by my housemate to tell you all that I've been bad and been . My latest pics should tell you the full story.

I'm still after ideas for my nect blog story

Love you

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Some questions for you all

Hi everyone,

I'm working on my next blog and wanted to give you some choices, pick one from each section and I'll fit as many of them in as possible

School unifom or smart office gear

Inside or outside

Public or private

Guys, girls or both

Toys or none

Willing or resisting

Watersports, bondage, both or neither

Slut or innocent

Group or one on one

That's it. Any other requests are still accepted. Thanks to Johnson007, there's a present waiting for you.

Hugs and kisses


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I want your.....

....input. I've had alot of people tell me they liked my previous blog post/fantasy/stpry so I'm going to write another one but I would like some ideas. I've got plenty of my own to get me going but a little input would be great, where should it be set, what should I be wearing, what do you want to happen. Please feel free to private message me with ideas if you want to be annonomous. Those who respond may get a picture dedicated to them. Love hugs and kisses
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Guess who's back

Hi everyone me again

Thanks for the replies to my previous post, thought it was about time I posted one of my fantasies.

I'm in my old school uniform, walking home from my friends house along a dark road, there are trees and bushes either side. It's cold and it's been XXX in the oposite direction is a group of men, drinking laughing. As they get closer one of them shouts over to me "hey baby want to have some fun", I keep my head down and keep walking. I only take a few steps past them before one of them grabs me "I asked you a question bitch" he says before throwing me to the ground "now we're going to have some fun". They start to strip me, pulling my clothes off, I fight them but in my head I'm loving it, my pussy getting wet. When I'm naked the one who grabbed me takes hold of my hair and pushes his cock into my mouth, throat fucking me. They others have their hands all over my body, squeezing my tits, invading my pussy and ass. They get me on all 4's before one gets behind me and takes me hard in my pussy. The first guys is still throat fucking me, making me gag and puke all over his cock, all of a sudden he pulls out and cums all over my face. Another steps up to take his place as they all take their turn in all my holes. One they're done I'm on the floor, covered with cum, puke and spit, they piss all over me, calling me a stupid whore and walk off leaving me tired, used but happy
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The big number 2

O.K so I've spoken to alot of people now, made alot of friends and frigged myself silly to alot of your photos, now I think we should really get to know each other so....

I'd love to know your fantasies, the nastier the better and don't worry, you won't shock me so make it as depraved as you can. After I've had some responses, I'll let you know mine

Love you all

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A little about me

Hi all

Quick thing, I'm getting alot of friend requests at the moment so here's the rules. Dick pictures will be rejected, as will no pics homemade pics on your profile, I don;t mind a few net pics but lets see something about you first. Also, maybe write something on your friend request. You'll stand a better chance.

So about me, I'm very Bi and very sub, love feeling dirty and you can't shock me so send me a message and we'll see what we can have some fun with. And for those that are asking, the call centre I work in isn't an adult chat line .Hope to hear from you soon.

Love you
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À propos de

I'm up for anything and everything, the dirtier the better. Make me feel worthless and used and I'll love you forever

Dernière connexion:
il y a 14 ans
Situation amoureuse:
Gars et Filles
Ville de naissance:
"United Kingdom"
Call centre worker
Ce que j'aime:
Bondage, watersports, anal, rough sex, dominant men and women, public sex, sex with strangers
Affichages de profil:
18 455
Vidéos vues:
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