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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumCURRENTLY DEPLOYED FOR 9 MONTHS. WILL RETURN IN JUNE 2017. I WILL NOT HAVE A LOT OF ACCESS TO MY ACCOUNT DURING THAT TIME. HUGS AND KISSES. Hi everyone. my name is Jessica, but a lot of my friends call me Jessie. I am Sergeant in the U.S. Army. Served a tour in Iraq and a tour in Afghanistan. Currently on active duty. PLEASE DO NOT ASK ME ABOUT MY STATUS OR INFORMATION ABOUT THE MILITARY AS I DO NOT LIKE TO TALK ABOUT IT. BUT SOME DAYS I MIGHT FEEL UP TO IT. BUT SOME STUFF I AM NOT ALLOWED TO SAY BECAUSE ITS CLASSIFIED INFO. I have two ex-boyfriends. One cheated on me while I was in Iraq and the other broke up with me because he did not want to commit to my military career. (See Interests and Hobbies for more) When not working I like relaxing in the sun during the summer and swimming. I love Italian food. I play video games like CoD. I am looking for someone who accepts me for who I am and is willing to commit to my military career. I love u guys.
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