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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumlove watching women masturbate. There is no greater turn on! …next to a woman in blue jeans and a thin white t-shirt that is. ;) There is nothing more erotic than watching a woman masturbating and bringing herself to orgasm. The movement of her body, to sound of her breathing, her voice, the expressions of her face as she gets closer and closer to climax. …it’s a thing of beauty to behold. I specifically like voyeur, self-recorded, and public masturbation. I also like watching women masturbating or having sex in front of friends - this ties into public displays to a certain degree, but there is something very exciting about watching a woman getting off in the presence of a friend. I also enjoy watching women giving men hand jobs - again voyeur, self-recorded, and public. Add a little mutual masturbation and it becomes that much more erotic. That said I don't enjoy watching men masturbate, but in the hands of a woman… I’m a relatively simple man with simple tastes. :) I welcome friend requests,
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