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To all you Sexy Women out there

For all you women out there. It may be touching a private note but how the hell do you all cope during that time when you feel horny as hell but can not do anything about it?
Well here goes what I do.
I still Love to play with all my toys weather it be my rampant rabbit or wand or even my pussy pump but best of all i still love pleasuring the other half in anyway i can. Why should the fun end there its all natural after all. Anal sex is never off the cards so why should everything else be? Me and the Hubbie most definitely make the most it while we can anyway and why shouldn't we? The best sex is sometimes when it is at its dirtiest and when us women shouldn't be doing it and why not. We even dress up, Well i do anyway in my tight fitting black PVC nurses outfit. Which women wouldn't like a nurse to tend to them during our monthly needs??
Anyway i hope you all stay safe and keep making loads of sexy stuff
Mrs Wetpaw
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VE Day

Sorry i have not done anything for the past few days as me and the hubbie have celebrating the recent event remembering all the people who lost their lives and all them who have returned to us me being a naval officer cadet and my husband a formal junior rank in the army but one thing for sure we have been doing loads of fun things together. Sorry no photos have been taken but sometimes when you are in the heat of the moment these things can not be taken especially when it comes to him begging for me to bend over showing my tight little arse whole begging for it to fucked whist wearing my naval officers uniform 
Hope you are all keeping well and enjoying all the sexy stuff out there??? Just remember we always loves each others views and storys this is what keeps us going 🙂
Mrs Wetpaw  
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A little about today.

Evening everyone,
Today has been a rather slow day as a little hung over from last nights drinks and loads of toy play. A few pics were uploaded of what we was getting up to. This morning tho was a constant tease for the other half tho as i was walking around in just a pair of black holdups, vest top and a nice stripy mesh thong. I kept jiggling my tits in his face every time i walked past him and i would pretend to drop something on the floor oops so that turned to me ending up on my all fours shaking my arse in his general direction. It wasn't long before he was behind me ramming me hard in my pussy with his big cock making my kneed buckle with pure delight with pussy squirting every where.
Hope you all keep safe and i will write another stream soon.
Mr Wetpaw 🙂
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Hello to the BBW MILF

Well where do i start????? I am sat here with the other half in a short black wet look racer dress, white sheer stockings and resh mesh suspender belt watching porn on the big screen. In between typing up this streem i have been fingering my tight shaven pussy and my husband has been puting his nice big fat juicy cock in my mouth for a deep throat gagging session. He loves it when i suck his hard cock with bright red lipstick that stay all night long. 
Anyway i must go as there is duties that need to be  fulfilled and we shall be uplaoding more to our profile in the morning for you all to enjoy. 
So stay safe and speak soon x x 🙂
Mrs WP
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À propos de

I am 34 years of age and i am a fun loving MILF BBW that is always up to making new content with the other half weather it will be vids or pics of the antics we get up to on a daily basis. Nothing is never to big or small we love it all. I am always up to trying new things weather it be toys or veg :P You can always ask for us to do things that may take your fancy but one thing for sure i only do it with the Mr or the toys. So please feel free to send us your desires day or night and you never know we may full fill them needs Me and the Mr and always up for trying new things, so watch this space and you will never know what may happen

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