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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumYes, you must be a smoker or into vaping, as a matter of fact the two words are interchangeable, and not just any smoker, you must seriously enjoy it. I don’t know if I would go as far as to say I have a smoking fetish but it’s damn close. There’s only one thing that I find sexier than an attractive woman, who is obviously an experienced smoker, sitting and honestly enjoying a cigarette and that is that same woman seducing me while we smoke. Ok, I’m here because I just recently had a one-month relationship with an incredible woman who was equally incredible as a lover. I thought I was open minded, kinky, dirty even a little perverted at times but she not only matched me kink for kink, dirty for dirty she was as excited by my turn-on’s as I was by hers, some were even the same. She became what I needed her to be to fulfill whatever fantasy we were in and I did the same for her. Though we’re still friends we have moved on but the thing is, and why I’m here, is we barely scratched the surface. And speaking o
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