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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumI came here (no pun intended) primarily to watch porn, and ended up creating a profile to connect with people. I'm bi, but more on the straight side to honest.. I did had a couple bi experiences, I like a huge cock and a massive cumshot, but guys aren't exactly my thing. I'm into all kinds of girls but the ones with big tits stood out for me, also love exotic girls like tattooed or with exotic hair colors. But girls with big asses, petite girls, muscular FBB and even some BBW... They all do it for me. As for the bisex thing, I'm not into guys. Don't find us men attractive, making out with another male is not really appealing to me. I do am crazy for T-Girls. ;) As for my personal non-sexual traits, I'm a easy going person, try my best to be polite and friendly to everyone, occasionally I fail miserably at that. I like rock n roll and I'm the typical movie/videogames geek. I don't really come here to talk about either of this thing, but if you want to chat about anything, fine, hit with me with
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