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    Je domine ma copine la dominatrice pour Halloween: KinkyBabies amateur - Strap & Edging
    Big Sex Match - Cassie vs Blue Angel dans un sexfight hardcore avec strapon
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    Je domine ma copine la dominatrice pour Halloween: KinkyBabies amateur - Strap & Edging

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    199 Vidéos 91.6K Abonnés
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    • Lesbienne
    • Porno HD
    • Sexe intense
    • Teen (18+)


    Thank you for your suggestions! Our team is reviewing them!
    Voter pour les mots-clefs
    • Kinky babies
    • Real female orgasm
    • Edging instruction
    • Halloween fucking
    • Rough lesbian strap
    • Lesbian rope bondage
    • Rope bondage fuck
    • Loud moaning orgasm
    • Rough doggystyle
    • Handcuffed fucked
    • Lesbian bdsm
    • Female edging
    • Lesbian domination
    • Bdsm aftercare
    • Real lesbian couples

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    il y a 4 ans
    This was the first video we've ever made that captures the 'sub drop' that Cassie sometimes experiences after intense BDSM scenes. It's very intimate and intense to completely submit to another person, and the drop of endorphins following that can be an incredibly emotional experience. We hope you enjoyed this Halloween fuck and please consider voting for us in Viewers Choice for this month's contest! Paid votes will be rewarded! See pinned post for more details - Love KB
    il y a 4 ans
    I really appreciate you guys for showing what it's actually like. As a lesbian its nice to see real and natural lesbian sex. It's too oversexualized in normal porn and although it is a sexual experience it's also emotional and romantic. Thank you! Also I appreciate the scene in the beginning where alex was telling cassie when and when not to touch herself. It's definitely more fun to imagine myself in cassie's position and it was a more fun experience to get off to!
    il y a 4 ans
    Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts! We really appreciate it and it means a lot to us to hear from folks in the community 🙂
    il y a 4 ans
    Such a lovely scene!! That emotional experience at the end was so pure and unique ♥♥ Thank you!
    il y a 4 ans
    Thank you for your sweet comment 😍
    il y a 4 ans
    I made this account just to tell you that I love your videos. I didnt practice bdsm but I am learning and I want to thank you both for being so real and natural. I knew the term "subdrop", but I couldn't imagine what it was like and I really learn a lot from your videos. You teach me and hot me hahaha, I'm happy I found this on ph c:
    il y a 4 ans
    Thank you very much for this sweet comment! We really try our best to better represent the 'behind the scenes' reality of porn and it's especially important to us because it is our real sex life 😜 We've personally never seen sub drop in porn before so we knew it would possibly be the first time a lot of people would be able to see it! Thank you for taking the time to make an account and reach out, it really means a lot to us 🙂
    il y a 4 ans
    I never ever saw what aftercare looks like, only read about it and why it is performed.It was so wholesome to see how Cassie started crying and Alex started comforting her. I wanna get into bdsm too and seeing you both makes me extremely envious, but also gives so much good insight on how something REAL looks like.Thank you for your amazing content. You both are truly wholesome and I love you.
    il y a 4 ans
    Thank you! BDSM can be hard to get into because there are folks out there that hide behavior behind a label. It's really important to have this kind of love and trust before introducing things that can be triggering or leave you in vulnerable positions ☺ We wish you all the best on your journey 💕
    il y a 4 ans
    Amazing handling on the sub drop! Excellent video.
    il y a 4 ans
    il y a 4 ans
    The aftercare shown during the sub drop is remarkably touching. How you both embrace and reassure followed by the playful thigh jiggling at the very end shows that you are a couple that are very much in love. I wish you both the very best in future.
    il y a 4 ans
    Thank you very much 💕🥰
    il y a 4 ans
    Love the passion and love you show toward each other. Your commands to her are in a loving and calming way and her eyes show the respect and trust in you. Even the way you tied Cassie up was with tenderness and love. True love and passion doesn't end with the physical love making it continues with the cuddling and kisses that you displayed at the end. Loved it when you sweetly said "I love you" to Cassie. That is true love for each other.
    il y a 4 ans
    Thank you 🥰🥰🥰
    il y a 4 ans
    You so beautiful and any kind of sex from you would be cool and passionate!)
    il y a 4 ans
    Thank you 🙂
    il y a 4 ans
    Never disappointed with your content! You two are beautiful and create amazing videos! Would like to see a “how to” video on rope bondage.
    il y a 4 ans
    We're starting to do how-to vids on rope bondage on our JFF because it is something that has to be done with care and we don't want folks to disregard the safety associated with the practice 🙂

    Playlists Containing Je Domine Ma Copine La Dominatrice Pour Halloween: KinkyBabies Amateur - Strap & Edging

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